
Blind support an omen of trouble

I've noticed an increase in the number of letters written to the Daily Herald which, in one way or another, express support for the president. I have no idea in what world those writers are living. When people commit to supporting someone like the president, they must give up on any sort of objective analysis of what's happening to our country.

Lies, alternative facts, spin - any kind of cockamamie justification - becomes just as valid as the obvious facts. There is little or no hope for changing the minds of some committed supporters. It's almost like a religion. They will stick by the president no matter what comes out. We've already seen that.

In Illinois, the alternative-fact universe doesn't stand much of a chance thanks to the dominance of the Chicago area. But for a large part of the rest of the middle and south of the country, my only hope is that conservatives in those areas who haven't joined the ranks of those committed to the present regime will join with the rest of us and help the country through its worst crisis since 1861. If they don't, I see real trouble ahead.

Larry Williams


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