
Where is the wrongdoing to justify impeachment?

Will someone please tell me and many others what the big deal is with the attempt to impeach our president? I have listened to everything on TV and radio, read accounts in three newspapers and countless internet reports.

Quid pro quos occur all the time. There is nothing wrong with them. Is it not the president's responsibility to make sure that countries receiving our aid are investigating corruption? Were there not enough reports of some kind of wrongdoing by the Bidens in last few years to warrant investigation? Are candidates for president immune from investigation, but presidents are not? Did the U.S. not provide all the aide that was delayed? Did the president of Ukraine even know there had been delays in their receiving aide? Did he not deny that he felt there was any inappropriate pressure on him or Ukraine? Has this government not provided more aide in three years to Ukraine than all eight years of the previous administration?

So where is the wrongdoing that is so serious as to warrant impeachment?

Roland G. Ley

Arlington Heights

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