
Republican support for Trump's case is weak

After watching most of the impeachment hearings, it's clear that the Republican defense of Trump in the Ukraine scandal is pretty weak.

First, the aid to Ukraine was released without there being an investigation, so there was no bribery. So, if I try to rob a bank and get caught, I'm not guilty of attempted bank robbery?

Second, the testimony is hearsay. This might be defensible if it weren't for the fact that other witnesses have testified under oath to various aspects of the conspiracy. No one to date has defended the president under oath. Oh, and the president is preventing those with firsthand knowledge from testifying.

Finally, the Ukrainian president has denied any pressure from the administration to investigate the Bidens and Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election. Trump put him in a position where he had to deny the accusation of pressure to preserve the aid for his country and to save face with his supporters. By the way, this matter has been investigated already and no wrongdoing has been proven.

Oh, and Obama was responsible for Russia's invasion of the Ukraine. Keep watching the hearings for more Republican dissembling. It's pretty obvious.

Richard Keslinke


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