
President was just doing his job

A comprehensive treaty agreement that allows cooperation between both the United States and Ukraine in the investigation and prosecution of crimes was signed by President Clinton in 1999. Thus, it appears President Trump was following the law when it comes to unearthing the long-standing corruption that has swirled in Ukraine and allegedly involves powerful Democrats like Joe Biden and others.

Was it wrong for Mr. Trump to ask if President Zelenskiy would look into possible corruption? I think not. He was simply doing his job.

After all, if the investigation came back negative, then so be it. Let truth speak for itself. This wouldn't be like the Mueller investigation that was fabricated from the start to take down a duly elected president.

In reference to Ukraine, what do the Democrats have to fear if there's nothing there. If there is, however, then I expect that the Democrats will fight against any investigation and avoid it at all costs.

Mr. Trump has continuously been attacked by the deep state and mainstream media since his election. He has dealt with assault after assault and has suffered leak after leak in matters of importance to international and domestic policies.

Is it surprising that he would use former Mayor Rudy Giuliani to look into some matters on his behalf? He needs people he can trust. Consider that there have been many deep state operatives hidden in government out to get him from the start.

Furthermore, Mr. Trump openly released the transcript. Emphatically, the transcript shows that there were no impeachable offenses.

Michael Imhof


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