
Keep capitalism

How is it that some people think Elizabeth Warren's vision is good? Capitalism is what built this country. It also gave us minor little things like electricity and the best health care in the world. How about other things like personal computers and smartphones? If it wasn't for capitalism, we would still be living in the 1700s.

As for climate change, the believers probably don't have a clue that the first "warning" and deadline of 20 years or so was in 1938. Guess what, that "deadline" has come and gone over half a dozen times and nothing has ever come of it. The fires in California are due more to the liberals running the state than any climate hoax. If the electric companies were allowed to clear cut the area around their power lines, fires from downed lines would never happen. As for Siberia and the Amazon, real scientists have studied it and the effect on the climate is minimal at best.

Ronald Rein


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