
Seniors Speaking Español

Ella ilumina una habitación. Not only does Nancy Smith-Dominicis light up a room, but she'll also help you learn how to say exactly that in Spanish. The charming and vivacious resident of Sedgebrook senior living community in Lincolnshire holds Spanish language classes for her fellow residents.

"We know that learning a new language is like sending your brain to the gym," said Bill Schneider, Sedgebrook's community resources director. "Studies are increasingly showing that learning a second language can have a significant impact on memory and can, in fact, help stave off cognitive decline. We're thrilled that Nancy has taken on the responsibility of teaching her fellow-residents how to speak Spanish."

Nancy has lived at Sedgebrook for the past eight years. She was born in Cuba, moving to the U.S. at the onset of the Castro regime in 1959. When she arrived, as a college graduate, she was forced to attend high school classes in order to learn English. Nancy went on to teach Spanish to junior high students for more than 35 years, most recently at District 95 in Lake Zurich.

Nancy lived in various cities around the U.S., moving to Illinois in 1992. She and her husband Richard started looking at prospective senior living communities about ten years ago. "Our home was three levels with lots of stairs. He fell once, and we decided it was a good idea to move. We looked around quite a bit, and when we saw Sedgebrook, we liked it the most by far. It's very, very nice. Everything we need is here," she said. "There are so many different activities of all kinds."

Nancy said she likes to participate in current events discussions, bible studies, and more. "You can do whatever you like to do. I have a big calendar and write down everything that happens every day. By 8 p.m., it's time for me to put on my jammies and rest."

Nancy retired from teaching in 2000. "I found that I can't keep away from what I like to do, which is teaching and being with people," she said. She decided to start offering Spanish language classes to her fellow residents four years ago. "I thought that learning another language as well as understanding a different culture, helps to make us better people. Furthermore, studies show that learning a new language is so good for your brain," she said.

Nancy started by teaching what she calls Spanish 101. "We have fun, but it's a formal class. We're not goofing off. You have to do homework, and you have to talk Spanish in class. Some of the students learned Spanish when they were in school, but others are speaking it for the first time." The class meets weekly, but she also makes herself available to students whenever they need help. Every two years or so, the students' graduate' into a more advanced class that Nancy launched and teaches.

In addition to reading and speaking Spanish, Nancy brings cultural experiences into the students' learning. "We celebrate holidays, take field trips and sample traditional fare," she said. "Food is so important. The food of Cuba is often not very healthy, but it's very good. I love to prepare black beans, rice, and pork and different desserts."

Nancy said that teaching Spanish to her neighbors is a perfect pleasure for her. "One of the things I enjoy most in life is sharing my culture. That, and being with people. I just love people."


Sedgebrook is a Life Plan Community offering a diverse lifestyle, maintenance-free living, and outstanding amenities. Five-star rated Radford Green Health Care and Rehabilitation is located on the 72-acre Sedgebrook campus in Lincolnshire, Illinois. Sedgebrook is a Senior Care Development, LLC affiliated community and managed by Life Care Services LLC®. For additional information visit or call (847) 901-3319.

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