
Jim Kendall: The final Labor Day. Probably

After 15 years, 735 columns (counting this one) and a tad more than 367,000 words about small businesses and the entrepreneurs who built and now manage them, it's appropriate, as my current editor Rich Klicki says, to make Labor Day the last of my Daily Herald small business columns.

While I hope there has been a benefit to readers, I've reaped perhaps the most important benefits: Getting to know, and appreciate, literally hundreds of small business owners - among the finest business people anywhere; getting to work with some of the best journalism professionals you or I or anyone else will find anywhere (at Paddock, just in case there's someone asking Who?); and at the same time getting to enjoy the freedom to choose my own column topics.

Except for two, I'm not going to name names (If I did, I know someone would be left out and I don't want that to happen). James Kane, the business editor back when who, after a year of my messages, gave his OK to my column, and Rich Klicki, my current editor, who has a remarkable awareness of journalism today.

Thanks to them - and the others I've gotten to know at the Daily Herald. And, of course, thanks to those of you who read the column - and often suggest story ideas. You've been really helpful.

Let's stay in touch: Coffee (or perhaps lunch) always is a good idea.

735 columns. It's been great. Thank you.

© 2019 Kendall Communications Inc. Follow Jim Kendall on LinkedIn and Twitter. Write him at Learn about Jim's skills at

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