
Teen smoking/vaping by the numbers

Nationwide, the number of middle and high school students using electronic cigarettes rose from 2.1 million in 2017 to 3.6 million in 2018. Here's a look at teen use of any tobacco/vaping products in the six-county region:

Cook - eighth grade, 10%; 10th grade, 23%; 12th grade, 33%

DuPage - eighth grade, 7%; 10th grade, 24%; 12th grade, 35%

Kane - eighth grade, 12%; 10th grade, 22%; 12th grade, 33%

Lake - eighth grade, 8%; 10th grade, 22%; 12th grade, 33%

McHenry* - 10th grade, 26%; 12th grade, 38%

Will - eighth grade, 10%; 10th grade, 15%; 12th grade, 39%

Source: Illinois Youth Survey

* No figure given for eighth grade

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