
Society needs a change in direction

How shall we then live?

I don't think Francis Schaeffer's family will mind that I began my letter with the title of a book he wrote.

How shall we then live in today's society? It seems we are on a train to nowhere but stress and illness. The changes are different from before. Progress today is not moving society to a peaceful, inclusive, understanding world. It is a world of competition.

Grandma talked about the transition from horse to tractor. I remember the evolution of the phone and the introduction of the big box stores. It took awhile to adjust but it was for the good.

Today I feel we have social Darwinism - the survival of the fittest - little regard for the other while making your way. The other can be your neighbor, another culture, another political party, another town and even another country. We survive at the expense of the other.

What has happened to our sense of community, our sense of living for the greater good? What has happened to leadership that gives us a sense of security and direction and does not instill fear and become a place to grab power and fame? We are experiencing that even locally.

Where are we when we think of all God's children, their needs of love, equality and a fair chance, from the unborn to the child that lives in all of us regardless of chronological age?

Let us all take a pause to reflect on what we are doing and where we are going as individuals and as a society. Maybe it is time to adjust our GPSs and see what we can do to correct our direction.

Marjorie Logman


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