
Disdain for flag

I hardly paid any attention to the brou-ha-ha over Nike's shoe with an American flag on it and a washed-up football player, until I saw a photograph of the shoe. The flag is on the back of the shoe, just above the heel. The flag's placement on the shoe is about as low as you can go. In that position it can be smeared with mud, dirtied by winter slush and splashed with dirty road and gutter water and eventually thrown in the garbage.

This is the flag commissioned by George Washington to lead our forefathers in the fight for our independence from Britain. This is the flag that was held aloft, leading the troops not dragged in the mud. Nike has their "slash" logo on their products. When I see that logo, I will treat it with the same disdain that Nike has for our flag.

Mary Ann Cronauer


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