
Trump one of our greatest presidents

Newspapers and all others have failed to change my impression of President Donald Trump. I see him as one of America's greatest presidents among the ranks of Washington and Lincoln.

Washington's love for God and country gave him the will to continue the fight against the British for independence. When the Second Continental Congress had grown weary of the fighting, they were ready to sign away America's Declaration of Independence. Congress offered the British the Olive Branch Petition which stated that the colonies would maintain their loyalty to the British Crown if only Britain would allow them certain rights. General Washington demanded full independence for America. He fought for it, and he won it.

It was President Lincoln's love for God and country that gave him the will to preserve the unity of our states by seeing the battle between the states through to its victorious end. This Republican President was opposed in his efforts by a very vocal faction of the Democratic Party called the Copperheads. They decided state unity could be preserved by allowing the continuation of slavery in the South. President Lincoln demanded state unity and a total end to slavery. He fought for it and he won it.

And it is President Donald Trump's love for God and country that is driving him to fight for both America's independence and her unity. The corrupt and self-serving actions of America's elites had positioned America as a nation dependent on other nations. The elites control of the airwaves had produced anger, distrust, and discord among our citizens.

President Donald Trump is demanding American independence (fair trade deals, controlled borders, and a strong military) and American unity (exposing the powerful and corrupt as our real enemies).

President Donald Trump is fighting for it and he is winning it.

Charles Danyus

Round Lake Beach

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