
It's our turn to do for our country

In his inaugural speech on Jan. 20, 1961, President John F. Kennedy said these words: "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." Those words constantly ring in my ears when I look around and see people continuously looking to receive rather than contribute.

President Kennedy was a Democrat who did much for this country during his short term in office. While I was still too young to vote, I supported him and realized that I had a responsibility to support my country. I'm grateful for those words, as they are a constant reminder that I am expected to contribute and not just receive.

The daily newspaper is filled with stories of people looking out only for themselves. Some of us are constantly fighting for the things we want, while others are just looking to make ends meet. Life is not about me, it's about us.

Each of us will be leaving a legacy for our children and grandchildren. A legacy that will live on, long after we're gone. I would like to think that the American people will wake up and realize that we must begin contributing to our country, today, before it's too late.

I am also reminded of comments from a couple of our former presidents: Harry S. Truman, said: "It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit" and Ronald Reagan, said "There is no limit to the amount of good you can do if you don't care who gets the credit."

We had some great leaders in our country and so as we celebrate our nation's birthday this week, let's remember the men and women who gave sacrificially. Men and women who chose to give rather than receive.

Now it's our turn. What about you and me? Are we contributing or receiving? What legacy will you and I leave behind?

Fred Dryden


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