
Society suffers from lack of religious faith

I am saddened by "man's inhumanity to man." A recent weekend saw 52 people shot in Chicago, 11 of whom died despite the sincere and aggressive efforts of the Chicago Police Department.

There are many root causes, but contributing factors are a lack of a faith-based society and culture as well as the entertainment industry's continued use of sex and violence in the majority of offerings (compare the number of "G" rated to the number of "PGs" and "R's").

The glorification of pleasure, power and possessions in entertainment and advertising sends the wrong message. Human life is sacred and should be protected from conception to natural death. The recently passed Reproductive Health Act here in Illinois is an example of this lack of respect for human life and denies the humanity of a fertilized embryo which has his or her own set of DNA from the moment of fertilization.

John Newton, 1725-1807, author of "Amazing Grace" got the right message, as this former slave runner became a Christian clergyman and worked for the end of slavery in England.

William Ross

Mount Prospect

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