
FOID changes won't affect gun violence

I just finished reading the article by Lindsey Salvatelli regarding the rally in Springfield on the new bill to change the FOID regulations. If anyone in Illinois thinks that these changes will make any difference in the gun violence in Illinois, they are sadly mistaken.

These changes will only make it more difficult and expensive for law-abiding citizens to own or purchase firearms and ammunition.

I am truly sorry that Mr. and Mrs. Burgos lost their daughter Alexandria, but I am sure that the one who fired that shot did not legally purchase the firearm he used. In order to legally purchase a firearm in Illinois you first have to apply for a FOID card, "Firearms Owners Identification Card", which includes a background check by the State Police. Once you select the firearm you want and pay for it, you have to fill out a ream of documents to register the purchase with the federal government, which includes the make, model and serial number of the firearm. Then the weapon stays at the gun store for the 3-5 day waiting period. Most gun stores will tell you that you can retrieve you weapon in 1 week.

Put these rules into effect on a national level and watch the gun violence drop dramatically. This would virtually stop the across-state-line gun running, which is where the most of the illegally owned guns in Illinois come from. I view the changes in the FOID bill as just another money grab and another dent in our 2nd amendments rights by the liberal left.

Ken Wuestenfeld

Elk Grove Village

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