
Security legislation good for firearms also

Where is the outrage over the new REAL ID that will be required to fly on domestic flights in 2020? Where are the people yelling that their rights are being violated? Are people actually accepting such efforts to protect the public? What a great shift in attitude that would signify.

Changing security measures to keep the public safe should be welcome in all arenas, including firearm safety. HB96, Fix the FOID, seeks to collect more information on potential gun owners, not take away rights of law-abiding citizens. The REAL ID seeks more information on the flying public, not to take away the right to fly. HB96 requires applying in person for a FOID just like the REAL ID. It changes the valid period on a FOID card so that background checks stay current. Multiple measures to improve public safety are the goals of both the REAL ID and Fix the FOID.

Instead of taking defensive stances, how about gun lobby supporters recognize the value behind HB96? The bill works to keep firearms out of the hands of felons and severely mentally disturbed people, not take away the rights of responsible gun owners.

We take off our shoes and now need new IDs to board planes, and do so without complaint in order to keep the public as safe as possible. HB96, Fix the FOID, also strives to protect the general public. Let's stop the complaining and appreciate this effort to protect our friends and families.

Elise Hauptman

Vernon Hills

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