
Online ordering for CFC spring plant sale ends April 14

Sunday, April 14, is the deadline for online ordering from Citizens for Conservation's 23rd annual Native Plant, Shrub and Tree Sale. Orders can be placed on Citizens for Conservation's website,

To help customers better plan their purchases, Citizens for Conservation's online catalog includes information on plants' color, bloom period, water, sun requirements, and size.

The sale will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, May 4, and Sunday, May 5, in the Good Shepherd Hospital barn area, east of the hospital, 450 W. Hwy. 22 in Lake Barrington.

Native plants provide many advantages for both gardeners and the environment, and buyers can choose from a huge selection of robust, hardy native plants, including perennials, ferns, sedges, grasses, shrubs and trees.

As part of Citizens for Conservation's Milkweed for Monarchs campaign to support monarch populations, numerous species of native milkweed will be available at discounted prices. All plants sold are free of neonicotinoid pesticides.

Pickup date for preorders is from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday, May 3. Citizens for Conservation members will also be able to shop the sale on May 4, and members get a 10 percent discount all days.

For information, call Citizens for Conservation at (847) 382-7283.

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