
Despite wall, there are gaping holes elsewhere

What effect will a Mexican border wall have over fences, barriers and walls that already exist? What will stop people from traveling by boat to Canada and crossing our wide-open northern border, as some are already doing?

Will people cross the Gulf and enter southeastern States? Will it be harder to tunnel under the wall than the existing barriers? How will illegal drugs be stopped when they are smuggled through legal ports of entry and can be smuggled through Canada? Out of hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants in the country, a few have committed murders; not at all a flood of criminals.

Many more Americans commit murders every day. The sales pitch for the wall plays upon emotions with distorted facts and no credible evidence that anything will be improved. Where is a study to show proof that a wall will stop anything? Modern satellite technology may accomplish much more than the ancient technology of a wall.

The entire U.S. border is like the hull of a ship. Water cannot be kept out by adding questionable reinforcement to the smallest and strongest part of it when the rest is full of gaping holes. The water will come in elsewhere.

Rich Lorimer


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