
Even Roe decision was more thoughtful than this

In a state where both the governor and lieutenant governor are trying to get egg off their faces due to past transgressions, a law proposed to give expectant mothers the right to abort a child literally up to the date of labor is under consideration. Of course I'm speaking of Virginia, one of the original colonies. Their Latin motto meaning "Thus always to tyrants" seems to fit the current state of affairs.

Should this have been the first state to employ this version of the full-term abortion law, it would be unique, but sadly six other states have managed to quietly have this passed as well.

In 1973 the Supreme court ruled in Roe v. Wade that abortions must be completed in the first 24 weeks of pregnancy, even though the presiding Justice had acknowledged the "life " could possibly begin earlier based upon medical research after the 20th week.

And so the question is how can state law trump federal law. Technically it can't, but now an appeal must be waged to fight the same battle once again. How does anyone, women, doctors, hospitals come to accept this vile excuse as reasonable?

I know you will hear a " women's right" comes first. If that is true, where was that right the first 24 weeks. This isn't an issue that requires a snap judgment.

And how do state legislators and governors live with themselves?

After nine months of pregnancy, the decision to abort a child, who is now a life, literally on the first day they would "breathe life " is appalling. Whether you agree with Roe v. Wade or not, it did establish a law which was not perfect, but at least thoughtful.

At what point is murder, no longer murder? We apparently have reached that point.

Richard Francke


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