
District 54 to hold kindergarten registration Feb. 6

District 54 will hold kindergarten registration for the 2019-20 school year on Wednesday, Feb. 6. Registration will take place from 9 to 11 a.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. at all elementary schools.

Parents should go to their neighborhood school to register their child, even if they are applying to attend a school other than their neighborhood school. (Lincoln Prairie is not a neighborhood school). Residents who are unsure of their school can visit the District 54 website at and click on Find My School under Popular Links.

If your child currently is enrolled at the District 54 Early Learning Center and will be going to kindergarten next year, you do not need to register your child at this time. District 54 offers a free, full-day kindergarten program at all of our elementary schools, although options are available for students to attend a half-day program.

A child whose 5th birthday falls on or before Sept. 1, 2019, is eligible to enroll in kindergarten in 2019.

To expedite the registration process, families are encouraged to begin the registration process online prior to Feb. 6. If you have a student currently enrolled in District 54, you can register through your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account. If you do not have your login, contact your child's school.

Families new to District 54 can register through the link on the district's website at In either case, parents or guardians will still need to visit their school to present the documentation listed below and sign documents to complete the registration.

Registration procedures

Parents or legal guardians must provide the following information to complete the enrollment process at their neighborhood school:

• Printed confirmation of online registration

• Proof of immunizations

• Birth certificate (original with seal): Official birth certificates are issued by the county clerk in the county in which the child was born. Hospital certificates are not acceptable.

• Proof of residence (details listed below)

Proof of residence

Families new to District 54 must provide documented proof of their residence within the boundaries of School District 54 at the time of kindergarten registration. Current District 54 families will provide this documentation when registering their students for the 2019-2020 school year.

All documents provided must be current, valid for 2019-2020, and reflect names and addresses within the boundaries of District 54.

Parents or guardians must provide a copy of at least one of the following documents:

• The most recent real estate tax bill for the residence showing the owner as the taxpayer.

• A signed lease for the residence including a beginning and end date.

• A closing statement for the purchase of a residence.

They must also provide a copy of at least two of the following documents reflecting a home address within District 54 boundaries:

• Illinois driver's license

• Gas, water, electric, internet, television, telephone bill or letter confirming service connection

• Public assistance documentation

• Voter registration card

• Home or vehicle insurance certificate

• Illinois automobile registration

• Receipt for local city vehicle sticker where applicable

Any person asserting legal custody over a student, who is not the student's parent or legal guardian, must provide current documentation from a court supporting the student custody arrangement.

Consumable materials fees

Parents or guardians are required to pay a $50 consumable materials fee per student prior to the start of the school year. Payments can be made by credit card or electronic check through the Parent Portal account or by check or money order at the child's school. This fee covers the cost of workbooks, paper, art supplies and other items used by students.

If students may qualify for special education services in the district, the parents may be referred to our Special Education Department.

District 54 officials can better plan for kindergarten placements if they get most of the registrations on Feb. 6, so parents are urged to register their children for kindergarten on that date. For transportation/boundary questions, call (847) 357-5104. For general questions, call your neighborhood school.

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