
Letter: Lombard park board engages in land grab

The ongoing effort by the Lombard Park District Board to blame the Helen Plum Library Board for delay in constructing a new library would be pathetic if it wasn't so distressing.

Ignoring that Colonel William Plum willed the property on which Lilacia Park and the library stand "for purposes of a Public Park and free public library," the park board wants to shove the library out and obtain its land.

That board has rebuffed every library board attempt to negotiate an agreement for a new building which would better serve Lombard while preserving the beauty of Lilacia Park.

Past library and park district Boards cooperated in making agreements which, as per a 2007 document, "would benefit the residents of the Lombard community." The present park board has ignored or rejected various library board proposals addressing the park board's claimed concerns.

At its December meeting, park board members complained about too little or "too vague" information. The library board has supplied scores of documents. The library also held three well-publicized "Community Conversations" where plans for the proposed building were on display and the architects present. None of the park board's seven trustees came to any of those events in search of the more information allegedly needed.

If the library board is guilty of anything, it is the naive belief that the park board would work with it in good faith for the betterment of Lombard rather than make unverified claims that a carefully designed new building would damage Lilacia Park.

This attempted justification of a proposed land grab should fool nobody. The park board's effort to take library property is driving up expenses, costing the taxpayers' money and denying Lombard residents the new library they voted for and deserve.

Kenneth N. Marshall


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