
Be prepared for life's interruptions

When it snows, she has no fear for her household …

- Proverbs 31:21 (NIV)

As I watched the white flakes float down, it appeared to me to be the first glimpse of winter. I figured the heavens would only dump a dusting of powder on us.

But the evening weather report indicated a storm was coming, contrary to the simple snowstorm I was imagining.

I was alone for the weekend, but I wasn't concerned. I didn't have anywhere to go, so I figured I'd just spend the next day on my computer, writing.

The next morning, I looked outside to see mountains of snow. And the weather reports were predicting another 5 inches or so.

After breakfast, I settled down at my computer, as planned, when there was a sudden loss of power that caused me to rethink my strategy.

As the hours went by, the snow was still steadily falling and my power outage was extended into the late evening hours.

I was getting concerned. Without my power, I couldn't use my house phone and I didn't want to run down the battery in my cellphone. I didn't have the car charger, so talking on the phone was out of the question. Since my driveway wasn't plowed yet, I was really feeling snowed in.

Then I pondered how the Bible mentions a woman who has no fear for her household when it snows. I decided to tackle my problem with a little ingenuity.

I rummaged through the hall closet and found some old wax candles I had stored. Then I rifled through my junk drawer to hunt down my lighter.

Next, I grabbed a big stuffed comforter from the closet. Then I pulled one of my favorite books off the shelf. With some food off the shelf, I managed to make it through the next 24 hours until my power was restored. After this experience, I realized the Bible verse was referring to being prepared.

Have you ever thought of being prepared for life's interruptions? Health, safety and financial counselors all advise it.

I'll start you out with a short list. You can make yourself a box (keep it out of children's reach). Place candles, a lighter, batteries, a flashlight or lantern and a few of your favorite over-the-counter medications (don't forget to replace those frequently due to expiration dates) in the box.

Gather a few clean towels, and gloves and add them as well. You might consider placing a box in your car that has a collapsible shovel, some salt, a blanket, flashlight and a colorful rescue flag. You've got the idea. Get as creative as you need to when preparing your boxes.

And don't forget to pray your way through any storm. It's the best preparation in any instance.

• Annettee Budzban is a Christian author, speaker, life coach and nurse. Invite her to speak at your group or event. She is hosting a "Writing for Fun or Profit" conference in February, 2019. Register for details and to reserve your spot. Annettee can be contacted at or (847) 543-8413.

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