
The construction nightmare on the tollway

Note to Chairman Schillerstrom and the Tollway Board from one of the thousands of motorists condemned to drive the construction nightmare on I-355:

One, never award another construction contract to the same contractor(s) who obviously lacked the manpower and equipment required to complete the job in one construction season.

Two, never hire the design firm again that was responsible for construction staging and sequence of operations that had pavement removed months before being replaced, and weeks when no work was being performed on mile after mile of the highway.

Three, tollway staff members responsible for the review and approval of this project should be retrained with an emphasis on prioritizing the needs and safety of the motorists who have been left to endlessly navigate this construction madness.

I didn't realize that when the tollway almost doubled the tolls in 2012, they also doubled the incompetence.

Alan Boffice

Elk Grove Village

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