
Reporter's bad behavior was ignored

In regards to your Opinion on President Donald Trump's "war with CNN" (or is it CNN's war with Trump) it's understandable that you are going to side with "your little brother," CNN, and defend your family in a conflict, no matter what. Like a 10-year-old telling his mom that it was the neighbor kid's fault you hide the actual behavior of Jim Acosta, which was rude and unprofessional, to make it sound as if he were having his credentials revoked for asking tough questions. He asked two questions, got two answers, refused to give up the microphone, and defied the White House staff person responsible for taking it.

President Donald Trump is not void of blame in this or any battle with the press. He too much loves the fight and can't control his tongue. However, much of the fighting between the presidents and the press is the result of the press' abuse of their self-appointed power and presenting their half-truths and opinions as if they were facts (fake news).

What is the goal of the press? To get the truth? To inform the citizenry? To influence the citizenry? To prove their importance? To prove their superiority? We as readers are more interested in truth than the differences of opinion between the press and a president. Aren't we the readers and viewers entitled to the exchange of thoughts and ideas rather than two bullies picking fights with each other?

Bob Kopp

Carol Stream

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