Round Lake Heights voters say no to funding proposed water system
Voters narrowly rejected the borrowing of $2.7 million to enable Round Lake Heights to develop its own water system, according to unofficial results.
With 616 votes counted in two precincts, the proposal was defeated 330-286. That number includes early votes.
The proposal called for a service line coming from a Lake County Joint Action Water Agency water line on Cedar Lake Road and a village-owned water tower within village boundaries.
The referendum's passage would have removed the need to negotiate with the village of Round Lake Beach to buy water.
The owner of a $100,000 home would have seen property taxes rise $175 a year to fund debt payments.
In addition, special service assessments currently charged for the Pasquinelli and Neumann subdivisions would have been eliminated, reducing the tax burden there.
Village leaders said the proposal would have enabled the village to establish and control its own rates for residents and provide adequate pressure to ensure fire and safety needs are met.