
Faulty comparison

Faulty comparisons are almost always made throughout a campaign. Peter Roskam is now trying his hand at a faulty comparison. He is currently running advertisements trying to link his opponent to the speaker of the House of Illinois, Mike Madigan. Why would he try to link a state elected official to someone who is running for a federal position? My only answer is that Peter Roskam is under the impression that voters in the Illinois 6th District are simple.

A true comparison would be one between Peter Roskam and Donald Trump. Peter Roskam has voted along with Donald Trump 94 percent of the time. The comparison is uncanny and they both happen to hold positions in the federal government.

The 6th District voters are better than this, Peter Roskam. We are an intelligent group of voters. It's time you treat us with some respect.

Amy Hussain


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