Linda Painter: Candidate profile
Name: Linda Painter
City: Willowbrook
Facebook: Linda Painter for DuPage Forest Preserve
Party: Republican
Office sought: Commissioner for the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County
Family: Married. Mother of 3 grown children
Occupation: Retired pediatric nurse
Education: Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing
Civic involvement: Timberlake Civic Association; Kiwanis; Ss. Peter and Paul Church council member; Argonne National Lab Community Leaders Round Table member
Elected offices held: Commissioner for the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County
Questions & Answers
Q. Why are you running for forest preserve commissioner?
I would like to continue serving my constituents. I have successfully completed many projects and have others in progress. I would like to see them through to completion.
Q. Describe two important initiatives you've led.
I initiated new signage in Waterfall Glen Forest Preserve to help guide trail users around the preserve. Because the signs were found to be very helpful, they are now being used in other forest preserves around DuPage County.
Seeing a need for a dog park in southeast DuPage County, I was instrumental in creating a new dog park with separate areas for large and small dogs. It is located in Oldfield Oaks Forest Preserve near I-55 and Lemont Road in Darien. It opened this past June.
Since taking office, I have helped acquire more than 100 acres of open space in District 3 for all to enjoy.
Q. How would you rate the job the board is doing to develop existing forest preserves and make them accessible to residents?
Q. How would you approach things differently?
We are continually evaluating our operations and making adjustments as we see opportunities to improve. Overall, I feel the forest preserve board is performing at a very high level.
Q. What is the most important issue facing the forest preserves in your district and how should it be addressed?
Promoting good communication between the forest preserve district and the residents, since there is very little local media that reach southeast DuPage County. There are many wonderful programs that the district provides. We need to continually get the word out about these programs and events so the DuPage County residents can utilize their preserves.
I started an email list to let residents know about upcoming forest preserve events. I have gotten a lot of positive comments and responses. I have found that residents appreciate being informed on upcoming events.
Q. Please name one current leader who most inspires you.
Former Congresswoman Judy Biggert. Early in my political career, she was a female leader who worked tirelessly to improve our state and country.
Q. What is the biggest lesson you learned at home growing up?
From my dad - be kind to people and treat people with respect. From my mom - persistence and determination. Both of them taught me to love the outdoors and care for nature.
Q. If life gave you one do-over, what would you spend it on?
Having more time.
Q. What was your favorite subject in school and how did it help you in later life?
Anatomy - Helped me in my nursing career.
Q. If you could give your children only one piece of advice, what would it be?
Be flexible and adapt to change