Vote YES on funding Gavin District 37
On Tuesday, Nov. 6, the shareholders of the Gavin School District 37 will have an opportunity to vote YES on a $6 million referendum that will fund important life safety projects at both Gavin South and Gavin Central.
The life safety audit and strategic planning initiatives began last year as a means to develop a long-term facilities road map. The school board recognized the need to meet the requirements for this audit and have approved a referendum avenue needed to succeed.
The referendum will NOT result in an increase in the amount of property taxes paid by a homeowner for the district's debt service (principal and interest payments.)
In fact, even if the referendum is voted in there will be a decrease in your real estate taxes. For a house valued at $200,000 this would equate to a $30 decrease.
The following projects are planned at the Central Campus: a new roof (replacing old shingles), replacing chillers (over 20 years old) that air-condition the school. They've damaged over the years and are no longer energy efficient.
An update to this system would allow the district to achieve great energy efficiency.
Projects also would include updating and making safer the front entrance to the school.
The plans at the South campus include bringing air conditioning to 16 classrooms and the gymnasium that currently do not have none. The roof and parking lot also will see important repairs, along with a replacement of the boiler, which is more than 40 years old.
A complete new safe entrance to South, utilizing ballistic glass along with a better way to control people coming and going, also will be created.
Melissa McCart