Endorsement: Daily Herald recommends Wilcox over Mahady in Illinois Senate District 32
Residents of the 32nd state Senate District face a very difficult choice on Nov. 6.
Republican Craig Wilcox, who was appointed to fill Sen. Pam Althoff's seat after she resigned on Sept. 30., faces Democrat Mary Mahady, who is currently serving her second term as McHenry Township Assesor.
Both candidates view property taxes as one of the biggest issues facing residents in the district, and they should.
It's easy for residents of the district, which straddles Lake and McHenry counties, to commute back-and-forth from Wisconsin to jobs in Illinois.
Mahady would like to see the property tax system revamped to make it fair for everyone.
Wilcox, who previously served on the McHenry County Board, wants a hard property tax cap of 1 percent of home value.
Both candidates support term limits for legislative leaders.
Residents of the district will be well-served by either candidate.
We endorse Wilcox.