
A woman ready to lead in Congress

The midterm elections of 2018 are very likely to go down in history as the year that women finally became ascendant in U.S. electoral politics, on their way to becoming dominant.

I have often mused that women, the kinder, gentler, more nurturing half our species, should be in charge of government. My feelings were reinforced a few days ago when I had the opportunity to meet Lauren Underwood, candidate for Illinois' 14th congressional district, running against Randy Hultgren.

Like most of the boatload of women running for public office this year, she has a history of public service in a caring profession. Lauren was a pediatric nurse and worked with public service agencies and the government for many years.

She refused to say anything negative about Hultgren, a thoroughly nice man, as many of us know. She did contrast her positions with his on her support for health care, public schools, Social Security, international trade, and her opposition to the most regressive income tax measure since Ronald Reagan. I don't remember Trump being mentioned, but there is every likelihood she will support re-engaging with the rest of the world on climate change, the most existential threat to civilization in recorded history.

She expressed the common concern of all untested candidates going up against an entrenched incumbent from the controlling party of her need for money and volunteers and the critical importance of getting people out to vote.

Now in my 80s, I worry about how my grandchildren are going to survive in a world with deteriorating climate, failing soils and crumbling infrastructure. I would take great comfort in leaving them in the hands of caring young women like Lauren Underwood.

Donovan C. Wilkin


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