
Central Indiana well field approved as EPA cleanup priority

ANDERSON, Ind. (AP) - Federal officials have added a well field in central Indiana to the national Superfund list for cleanup.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Tuesday announced the addition of the Wheeler well field in Anderson to its national priorities list for long-term cleanup funding.

The site is called the Broadway Street Corridor Groundwater Plume. Officials have reported finding contaminated groundwater in one of Anderson's two municipal well fields with concentrations of trichloroethene, tetrachloroethene and other chemicals. Officials say, however, that the city's drinking water is safe.

The EPA also announced Tuesday that it proposed adding the Cliff Drive Groundwater Contamination Plume in northern Indiana to the EPA's national priorities list after tetrachloroethylene was detected in the Logansport wellfield. Officials say the municipal water supply there also is safe.

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