
All of us must stand up to president

Your editorial which begins on the front page of the Aug. 16 Daily Herald is on the side of hundreds of press outlets that are fighting to turn back the assaults on our free press. Not, as you poin`t out, that the press is a monolithic anti-Trump siren ... the outlets are all different even in category: print media, social media, broadcast media and so on.

The Daily Herald sees the problem, diagnoses the problem and issues a call to action "We urge Trump's allies to show the courage to challenge him and show support for freedom of the press."

Your call to action is particularly important in what is now the beginning of the election season. Devin Nunes is a particularly egregious example of a supporter who doesn't stand up. On the contrary, Nunes is an enabler who clearly works to obstruct the balance needed to challenge Trump and his disgraceful view of American presidential power.

My own congressman - Sixth District U.S. Rep. Peter Roskam - also needs that courage. Roskam is in the group of Republicans who supports the president thereby enabling his outrageous behavior. When called to comment on Trump's behavior, Roskam said "Trump is controversial."

To exit from this sordid period of American history, all of us must show not only courage but the decency to stand up to Trump.

Sanford Morganstein

West Dundee

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