
Settling accounts

Sometimes when I write my Christian-world-view opinion letters I get vicious responses from other readers. Many people without faith in a higher power become not only suspicious toward a man of faith. They become vicious. As you know, most of us believers accepted the Obama presidency in 2008 and continued to trust in God as we worked hard to win in the next election. And as you are witnessing today, many unbelievers are refusing to accept the Trump presidency and are trusting no one but themselves as they work hard to force Trump out of office by any means necessary.

Most of us believers are simply trusting in God and desiring to work for a better world for all. We are working within the precepts commanded by a holy God. It appears that many unbelievers seem to trust no one. It seems that they are working for a better world for themselves and for those like them. And they are willing do whatever it takes, right or wrong, to achieve their goals.

I perceive that when most believers experience great adversity, they trust in the wisdom and providence of God to settle all accounts in the end. And I perceive that when most unbelievers experience great adversity, they trust no one but themselves to settle the account.

Charles Danyus

Round Lake Beach

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