
Jesus was the ultimate life coach

"Do you really want to get well?"

- John 5:6 (NIV)

Walking down the main aisle of any super store featuring displays of pens and stacks of notebooks signals to our senses it's time to go back to school.

Maybe, we're not in a season to take a class or return to school, but there are other ways we can grow and learn.

Do you know what a life coach is? I decided to add life coaching to my personal and professional skills after I read an article in a magazine that nurses make good life coaches. At that time, I didn't know what a life coach was, and find most people don't know what a coach is or how one can help them.

Through research, I discovered many aspects of life coaching that appealed to me, and realized I'd been coaching in many ways for years. Even as a childbirth educator, I coached new parents how to have better births and transition into parenthood. Now, I like to help others transition in many areas and seasons of their lives.

Whereas, at one time, coaches only helped in sports, now coaching is used by everyone from CEOs to the average person looking for new direction to reach their full potential and live a satisfied life.

The International Life Coaching Federation began with a handful of potential coaches and now has thousands of members. Local colleges have developed curriculum for life coaches, and many counselors have added life coaching to their approach.

Coaching is a two-way process in which the coach and the client share knowledge and experience to develop and achieve agreed upon goals for the client's growth and potential.

Coaches are good listeners and can be a source of new ideas. They can help clients discover and explore options. They provide input that can bring new perspectives, and occasionally a coach can bring an awareness of a community resource that is available.

Coaches can help you improve communication skills, assist you through a life transition and process your grief. They can help you with spiritual growth and discovery of your skills and destiny.

They can also help you build self-esteem, put together a basic financial budget, improve how you relate with others, establish health goals and sort out career choices. I once helped a client write a speech for their daughter's wedding.

Besides helping to problem solve and establish goals, life coaches bring hope and encouragement.

Coaching appealed to me because, as a nurse, I helped patients form health-centered goals. Coaching is a great service for any nurse, teacher, pastor or counselor. They can specialize in one area and can provide one-to-one or group coaching.

I once read that Christian coach stands for: Christ-oriented, attitudes, conditioning health. I enjoy a faith-based model of coaching that helps with spiritual formation at the core of personal development.

I realize Jesus was the ultimate life coach. Reading the Scriptures, I see him ask all the right questions to help people examine their hearts and minds. He knows a fulfilled life requires transformation.

In the Scripture passage in John 5:6, Jesus asked the lame beggar if he wanted to get well. It may seem like a silly question, but he knew it would change the man's whole lifestyle, as he would find a new residence and line of work, and wanted to make sure he was up for the challenge.

Now, that doesn't mean all our transformations will require such change. But some could. At times, I've made some major changes in order to grow spiritually.

So as back to school items signal time for learning and growing, we can use the time to reflect if we are ready for a journey of self-discovery and change, or simply in need of some emotional support to move forward.

If so, life coaching can help us find the path to a more fulfilling life.

• Annettee Budzban is a Christian author, speaker, life coach and nurse. She is available to speak at your church or group, or coach you individually. She can be contacted at (847) 543-8413 or Visit

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