
We need Casten in 6th District

Last week, the Daily Herald ran a front-page story about a morning in the incumbent Republican's campaign in the hotly contested race in the 6th congressional District. The following day, it ran a similar piece about his opponent Sean Casten's campaign day.

Peter Roskam has emulated his leader President Trump by telling half truths and misstatements. During his half day, he once again takes credit for the successes of the tax bill because an insurance company lowered its rates. No substantiation and no indication if any coverage has been lessened.

His tax bill has been an abject failure, with most of the money going to the wealthy and corporations that use it to buy back stock, which makes the rich even richer. Money doesn't go into the pockets of those that need it most.

By the way, if your property taxes go up and your deduction allowed for those taxes goes down, you can thank Mr. Roskam. On health care, he tries to play the champion who works to fix things.

I wonder how he explains voting several times to kill the ACA which would have left millions in the country uncovered.

Will he support the president, which he usual does on most issues, on short-term coverage that can last up to two years? This coverage is certainly cheaper but won't cover maternity, pre-existing conditions and many other benefits under the ACA. Roskam won't meet with senior groups, so it is natural he would work to cut back on Medicare. The list goes on and on

A vote for Casten is extremely important because of the need to return the country to true democracy. Trump has no regard for the First Amendment. He has no regard for Article 1 of the Constitution. Madison and other drafters envisioned a system of checks and balances. Now Trump has control of all three branches.

The only way to stop him from further destruction of our country is to elect a Democratic House. A vote for Casten is a vote for America

Spencer Heine


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