
Compare the headlines

If editors at the Daily Herald want to understand why so many average Americans have come to view the mainstream media as "fake news" they need look no further than the Herald's own headlines. Compare the following: "Clinton Campaign, DNC Paid for Research that Led to Russian Dossier" (10/24/17) to "Trump Son Met Russian for Dirt" (8/6/18)." Notice the word pictures: Clinton does "research." Trump digs "dirt." This is just one tiny example of the problems with the MSM (of which the Herald is a part). The media go to great lengths to present Hillary Clinton and Democrats in the most positive light possible, while at the same time present all things Trump in the most negative light imaginable. Having not defeated President Trump in the election it is obvious that the Herald and other MSM outlets now seek to destroy him in the court of public opinion. Is it really difficult to understand why so many of us no longer trust you and do indeed think of your "reporting" as fake news?

Teri Paulson

Hoffman Estates

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