
Evening citywide mosquito spray scheduled for July 27

Clarke, the mosquito control vendor for the City of St. Charles, is conducting a citywide spray the evening of Friday, July 27.

Clarke also will be spraying in surrounding communities.

Clarke recently identified a West Nile positive mosquito in one of their traps in St. Charles.

This information, combined with additional trap data, and a review of recent weather patterns and forecasts prompted a community wide spray.

Clarke uses a synthetic treatment that is safe for humans and pets. But people with a respiratory condition are advised to stay indoors and close the windows during the application. Also, to get a notification of an upcoming spraying, call Clarke at (800) 942-2555.

To prevent bites, use insect repellent, avoid being outdoors during dawn and dusk hours when mosquitoes are most active, and wear long sleeves.

What you can do to reduce mosquito population in your yard:

1. Discard old tires, tin cans, buckets or any water-holding containers outside.

2. Fill in or drain any low places in the yard.

3. Cover trash containers to keep out rainwater.

4. Repair leaky pipes and outside faucets.

5. Empty plastic wading pools at least once each week and store indoors when not in use.

6. Make sure your backyard pool is properly cared for - especially when on vacation.

7. Change the water in birdbaths and planters frequently.

8. Keep grass cut short and shrubbery well-trimmed around the house.

For more information, visit the City of St. Charles website, or contact the City's Public Works Department at (630) 377-4405.

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