
Don't look to Pence for help in uniting us

Mike Pence arrived in the Chicago suburbs recently to build support for Trump's presidency and raise money for Peter Roskam's re-election campaign. This prompted the Daily Herald editorial board to write on July 13 asking Pence to "temper" Trump's worst impulses and "bring us together."

While I sympathize with the editorial board looking for some measure of sanity and dignity in this administration, Pence is not the solution. As governor of Indiana, Pence was well known for pushing an anti-LGBTQ agenda. This includes trying to ban same-sex marriages and passing the Religious Freedom Restoration Act which was widely seen as protecting the right to discriminate against gay people. If we are looking for someone to unite us, we shouldn't look to someone who has built a career on bigotry.

The rest of the GOP won't help. Once upon a time, some thought Ivanka Trump or John Kelly would be the "adult in the room." None of them showed any real willingness to control Trump after he supported white supremacists, called countries he didn't like profane names or kept immigrant children locked in cages separated from their families.

Rep. Peter Roskam won't control Trump, Roskam votes with Trump 94 percent of the time. If Illinois voters want a real check on Trump, then residents of the 6th District can start by voting Roskam out and supporting his opposing candidate, Sean Casten.

Now after the Helsinki summit, we're at a crossroads in history. Our president just told the world that he believes Vladimir Putin over our Justice Department. The FBI has proof that Putin tried to rig the 2016 election, but facts make no difference to Trump. Like the Herald's editorial board, I believe we need to check Trump and come together. However, the GOP has abandoned that cause; we need to do it ourselves."

Joshua Horwitz


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