
Mikerphone Brewing Presents Donation towards Elk Grove Youth Committee

Mike Pallen, owner of Mikerphone Brewing presented a check for over $17,000 to the Elk Grove Youth Committee at the Village Board Meeting on Tuesday, June 19. The check represented the proceeds from from "Smells Like a Beer Fest", held outside the brewery on Garlisch Drive in April 2018.

Elk Grove Village partnered with Mikerphone Brewing to sponsor this fundraising event to help raise funds for Youth Scholarships. These funds will be used to provide scholarships for students to use towards their first year of college education.

Mikerphone Brewing began hosting their annual craft beer festival, previously called "Pale Pauper Day", two years before moving to Elk Grove Village in 2016. They held the event both to celebrate craft beer and to raise funds for causes in the surrounding and community. Mikerphone was eager to continue this practice at their new location.

Shortly after they opened in the spring of 2017, Mike Pallen approached the Village about holding the fest on Galisch Drive outside their brewery, and asked if the Village would be willing to partner to help raise funds for a local community organization. Their 2017 craft beer festival raised $10,000 for the installation for an elevator at the Local VFW Hall.

The Village is thankful to Mikerphone Brewing for their continued support of the community.

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