
Want to fix immigration? Enact a law

Civics Class 101. The legislative branch legislates, writes laws. The executive branch executes, enforces those laws. The executive branch cannot write laws. Only the legislative branch can do that. Since Congress has become so polarized and dysfunctional, we have presidents writing "executive orders." These orders are law only as long as the writer of the "order" is in office. In the absence of congressional law, the next guy in the White House scraps the old order and writes his own.

And so we have it, back and forth, depending on who currently occupies the White House. Reminds me of England back in the first century. This king has it his way and everything changes with the next king. Not much stability there and exactly what our Founding Fathers worked so hard to eliminate with our three branches of government.

So I believe the media and members of Congress have this recent hysteria at the border all wrong. Lots of finger pointing going on all in one direction. President Donald Trump is merely enforcing the laws put in place by Congress during the Clinton administration.

It seems a little silly for Trump to be excoriated for doing exactly what Obama, Bush and Clinton did before him. If you don't like this situation, get on the phone with your representatives and rattle some cages. Demand negotiations across the isle. Wake up, people. You are being hijacked by those with an agenda.

Janet Rios


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