
Reaction to U.S. Supreme Court ruling on collective bargaining fees

Gov. Bruce Rauner, a Winnetka Republican

"This ruling is pro-worker and pro-taxpayer. State employees - union and nonunion - do tremendous work for the people of Illinois. This ruling is a great victory for our democracy, our public employees, and the taxpayers who count on us to bargain on their behalf."

U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky, an Evanston Democrat

"Martin Luther King Jr. knew that collective bargaining was worth fighting for, which is why he stood arm-in-arm with the Memphis sanitation workers during their strike 50 years ago. Today, collective bargaining for public sector workers is more necessary than ever - look no further than the wildcat teacher strikes from West Virginia to Arizona. It's a shame the Court has chosen to side with billionaires and corporations over teachers, firefighters, social workers, and emergency medical technicians."

Mark Janus, on Fox Business Channel

"We were hopeful that it would go in our direction and now that it has it's been a very, very enjoyable decision. I'm just ecstatic and fantastically excited about it, because we've now got 5 million workers, government public sector workers, that now can make their own choice that they had not previously been able to do."

U.S. Sen. Tammy Duckworth, a Hoffman Estates Democrat

"As income inequality rises and middle-class wages lag behind, we need to do everything we can to make it easier for working Americans to join a union and negotiate for fair wages and a better workplace. Unfortunately, this decision by the Supreme Court will do the opposite, overturning decades of precedent to make it harder for unions to effectively protect and support working people trying to achieve their own American Dream. I'm disappointed that the Court sided with the anti-union activists and well-funded corporations who want to chip away at workers' rights, but I will continue to stand up to those who want to lower wages, roll back workplace protections and restrict entry into America's middle class."

U.S. Rep. Brad Schneider, a Deerfield Democrat

"Unions helped build our nation's middle class, and today's ruling fits a pattern of attacks to undermine labor and working families, and weaken workers' right to negotiate for better pay, working conditions, medical benefits, retirement benefits, and paid leave. This is a sad day for hardworking Americans including teachers, firefighters, police officers, civil servants, and more - good people who serve our public every day."

U.S. Rep. Bill Foster, a Naperville Democrat

"I am deeply concerned that this decision will weaken our strong labor unions that have historically given our workers a safer work environment, fair wages, and collective bargaining rights against unfair working conditions. They hold a special place in our country's history. This decision overturns decades of legal precedent that allowed unions to collect fair share fees for the services they are legally required to provide their workers. Our country was built on the hard work that so many Americans invested in our factories and offices. I'll continue to fight for labor unions so we can build a strong middle class and make sure that workers have the collective bargaining rights they deserve."

U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin, a Springfield Democrat

"Governor Bruce Rauner has made it clear that he favors corporations and special interests over Illinois workers and their families. He has repeatedly pushed an agenda of hostility to unions. This agenda is hurting workers across Illinois. And now, Governor Rauner has spearheaded a litigation effort, which has resulted in the Supreme Court overturning a 40-year-old precedent and further rigging the economy against hardworking Americans across the country."

U.S. Rep. Mike Bost, a in Murphysboro Republican

"As a former union firefighter and the grandson of a United Mine Workers representative, labor is in my blood. Unions have played an instrumental role in strengthening the hand of America's working men and women for generations. It is only right that workers who receive higher pay, benefits, and workplace protections contribute their fair share of the costs. While this position may not always be popular in my party, for me it's one that rises above politics."

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