
Vote for common sense

Attitudes and behaviors can change. In my lifetime, many lives have been saved by fact-based public awareness campaigns, paired with common sense regulations. Two notable success stories relate to cigarettes and seat belts. Too many people were dying preventable deaths from lung cancer and car accidents.

Today, too many Americans are dying preventable deaths from gunshot wounds. Our attitudes and behaviors must change. Public awareness is growing, thanks to groups like Moms Demand Action and the brave Parkland survivors. Now it is time for our legislators to act. A few ideas that are potentially effective and palatable to the public, including responsible gun owners, include:

1. Universal background checks and waiting periods for firearm purchases, with no loopholes.

2. Prohibit access to firearms for those convicted of domestic abuse or subject to a protective order, with no loopholes.

3. Enact "no-fly, no-buy" laws.

4. Require gun owners to register and secure firearms to prevent access by unlicensed people, and impose liability on owners whose guns are used in violent crimes or preventable accidents such as those caused by toddlers and children.

5. Reinstate a federal assault weapons ban.

Most importantly, vote for candidates who support these and other common sense reforms.

Pamela Gray


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