
Misericordia says thank you for successful drive

Thousands of volunteers fanned out across Chicago and the suburbs this spring, recognizing the increasing need to help those less fortunate.

Donning the familiar red-and-white Misericordia Jelly Belly vests, volunteers walked the intersections, stood at storefronts, and waited at train stations to collect donations for Candy Days. And the caring citizens of Rolling Meadows, Arlington Heights, and the surrounding areas responded generously!

The residents, staff, families, and collection volunteers wish to express their gratitude to all our friends who participated.

Please know that your money goes directly into programs that assist more than 600 children and adults grow in their fundamental skills while adding greater dignity to their lives. A humble and loving "Thank you" to each one of you!

Next year, on the last Friday and Saturday of April, we will be out again in our red-and-white vests and smiling faces. We hope you will come see us again!

Sharon and Steve Rickerson

Ann Hickey

Rolling Meadows/Arlington Heights

Misericordia Candy Days coordinators

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