
Officer deposed in wrongful death suit

Chicago Police Officer Robert Rialmo was deposed Tuesday in the wrongful death lawsuit brought against him and the city by the estates of Quintonio LeGrier and Bettie Jones.

In December 2015, Rialmo shot and killed 19-year-old LeGrier while responding to a domestic incident. Neighbor, Jones, 55, who stood near LeGrier, was also fatally shot in the incident.

In a report issued in December, the Civilian Office of Police Accountability ruled that Rialmo was "not justified" in shooting Jones and LeGrier. In January, the oversight agency recommended Rialmo be fired. Three months later, Chicago Police Supt. Eddie Johnson rejected COPA's findings, saying "Officer Rialmo's actions were justified and within department policy."

Rialmo was taken off the street and assigned to desk duty in the wake of the shooting. He is countersuing LeGrier's family and the city, citing emotional trauma and improper training.

City payroll records show Rialmo has continued to collect his $84,054 salary.

For the full story, click here.

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