
We must get beyond government by fear

Hats off to the French President Emmanuel Macron. In his speech to the U.S. Congress he said, "We can choose isolationism, withdrawal and nationalism. This is an option. It can be tempting to us as a temporary remedy to our fears, but closing the door to the world will not stop the evolution of the world. It will not douse but inflame the fears of our citizens. The rampaging works of extreme nationalism shake a world full of hopes for greater prosperity."

Our president has continued to use fear to garner our vote and support by using "America First" and "Make America Great Again." He has created a scenario of fear that is unreal that bad people and terrorist are everywhere. Fears that if we don't build a great wall on our Mexican border, no one is safe and terrible people will come into our country. Fear that our immigration vetting is not any good and we must stop immigration from Islamic countries. Vetting has been very good in the past but by just saying that it's terrible, it creates fear.

The country is losing its conscience and heart instead its reacting to unreal propaganda.

Think what happened during the Second World War. Boats loaded with thousands of Jews fleeing Europe seeking asylum were not allowed to enter the USA and were turned back to the countries they came from. Upon returning, the Jews were sent to Nazi concentration camps, I think we know what happened.

The rest of the world is able to see what the president has done, I hope we can.

Mike Brown

Mount Prospect

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