
At Work captains provide support to their teams

Working out and losing weight is not an easy task and requires support from family, friends, and co-workers.

Luckily for our At Work teams, they all have a dependable captain to encourage, motivate and lead them to success!

Team captains are encouraged to participate with their teammates in sponsored events, provide weekly meetings and we asked each captain to send weekly reports on their team's progress.

While struggling to balance this challenge with work and family obligations, At Work captains have managed to go above and beyond. Captains have organized healthy potlucks, signed contracts for personal trainers and dietitians, exercised together outside of work, and so much more.

Our At Work teams are lucky to have great leadership at their disposal and we expect a lot of success at the end of the challenge for participants.

Captain Greg of Franciscan Sisters of Chicago leads his team, Transformation Nation, by sending motivational emails to help inspire his team. Photo courtesy of Transformation Nation
Lindsay Pekny co-owner of The Dailey Method-Wheaton instructed a webinar teaching At Work teams how to achieve and maintain mobility in an increasingly sedentary culture. Hanover Park Police Department's team captain George Sullivan, center, leads Chuck Plaia, left, and Dan Granias, Right, with stretches learned from the webinar. Photo courtesy of Hanover Park Police team
Team Captain, Aileen Tischauser, pictured top left, of Elk Grove Park District's Elk Strong is constantly involved and has been organizing group training sessions each week for the team. Below Aileen is Jennifer LoBosco works on her seated cable rows and right is Irene Faciano works on assisted dips Photo courtesy of Healthy Heroes
Team captain Arturo Senteno, left, of District 214's Dielards staying warm with his teammates Katie Kozlowski and John Bassler during a St. Patty's Race at Deer Park. Photo courtesy of Dielards team
Long Grove Confectionery's Team Cacao love the power of the plank. Top left, clockwise we have Dana Palka, team captain Sarah Kaiser, Radka Kacena and Donna Eliades. Photo courtesy of team Cacao
Tempco Electric Heater Corp. has three teams participating this year and they all get together at the Wood Dale Park District each week for a tough workout which includes core, spinning and kickboxing. Teams include Net Loss led by John Brooks, Feel the Burn led by Cody Zimmerman, and Trabajando Para Quitarselo led by Chip Galante. Photo courtesy of Tempco Electric Heater Corp. teams
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