
The money trail

Let's follow the money trail. As in the past, money seems to be the root of all evil.

Remember Watergate? Woodward and Bernstein were told by "Deep Throat" to follow the money. They did, and look what they discovered. Now, look at what they say about Bill and Hillary ... and their foundation. All the money the foundation has accumulated when Hillary was the secretary of state. Bribery? Now, the foundation receives no "contributions". Let's follow the money.

Now, I have a new concern. In Illinois, we have two billionaires running for governor. Can these two individuals really relate to the common man? Or, are they just going to see which one of them can buy the election, by outspending the other one. Could we not take some of the millions, and Put them to better use - like finding a cure for one of our many diseases?

You tell me, do you want more political ads in our mailboxes, or a big contribution to, say cancer? It's up to you. The "silent majority" must stand up and be counted, Now.

Robert Fisher

Mount Prospect

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