
Don't count on arming teachers to help

Arming teachers will not make any difference, but will only introduce more difficulties for both the school and its teachers. It's called concealed carry. Where are the teachers supposed to conceal their weapon?

How will teachers know to react until the shooter starts shooting? If the armed teacher can get to the shooting location, how many kids/teachers will already be killed/maimed before the shooter can be stopped?

What will stop troublemakers from stealing the gun or overpowering the teacher to get the gun? The teacher would have to be issued a "smart" gun that only works for them. Sounds excessively expensive.

What will stop the troublemakers from lying that the teacher "pulled a gun on me"? Unless the whole school is under video cameras, the teacher/school risks reputation and possible lawsuits on hearsay.

What will stop the shooter from first targeting the teachers they know have weapons?

Let's put forth a best-case scenario. The teacher is "packing" and from the classroom he/she happens to glance out the window in time to see someone get out of the car with one or more weapons and head toward the school. Do they notify the principal first, to get assistance? Do they just try to head off the shooter to save time? When the time comes, does the teacher have the courage to confront the shooter, and the nerve to fire their handgun at another human?

The vast majority of teachers got into their profession to nurture and teach children. Carrying around a loaded handgun with the implied threat that they may be called upon someday to actually use it would drive a sane person to find another occupation.

Dave Volkman


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