
Column wrong about Social Security

Just finished reading Walter Williams' column that includes the paragraph about being forced into spending $3,000 a year for health insurance and having $7,000 deducted from your salary for Social Security, rather than investing the money to buy equipment to start a landscaping business.

I'd like to ask Mr. Williams, does he have car insurance? Does he have health insurance? How many new businesses have failed in the first year, and that same equipment sold at auction? Has anyone he has ever talked to personally told him, "I'm eligible for Social Security, but I don't want it"? Have any of the Daily Herald's readers expressed an interest in discontinuing their Social Security payments so they could start a business? Or do they worry that Social Security will not be there for them when they are old enough to be recipients?

Even my Republican friends currently receiving social security benefits rail that "they better not touch my Social Security (or Medicare)" without realizing the irony of their declarations, since it's always the Republican politicians trying to end the programs as we know them.

If the Republican hawks in Congress are so fearful of Social Security, (and by extension Medicare) going broke and/or costing too much, why not look to the military budget? Why does no one ever lament about that going broke and how much does that add to the national debt?

How much have the Republicans added to it with the new tax cut? Why is it no longer important to those same Republicans constantly decrying it during the Obama administration? Why does Mr. Williams hate Social Security? What's bad about it?

Rosemary Colbert


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