
Sad day when we only tolerate those who agree with us

What happens when people react with emotion instead of logic? You get a letter from a person who supports his doctor refusing to see card carrying members of the NRA. So, let's play along with this person and his doctor.

I abhor abortion; therefore, any person who is a member of Planned Parenthood or a supporter should be banned from seeing any doctor who supports life. Who cares about the Hippocratic oath. This is a time for emotionally charged politics and retribution. Also, any other group that I don't like should be banned not only from doctors' offices, but grocery stores, hardware stores, movie theaters and public venues because I don't agree with them.

Who cares about their First Amendment rights? It's like a high school student remarked in an interview, "You are either with us or against us." There is no gray only black and white. You either agree with me or you are the enemy.

Is this really what our country has evolved into? Hate-filled groups of people who won't tolerate freedom of speech. People who put signs on doors of who is welcome? College campuses who riot instead of just not attending a lecture when a conservative speaker is scheduled. People who call each other racist or deplorable when you have a differing opinion?

What a sad day when the Constitution only applies to your point of view.

Gail Rose


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