
How to prepay property taxes in the suburbs

If you're considering prepaying your 2017 property taxes, here are your options:

Cook County: Residents can prepay only the first installment of their 2017 property tax bills, available at Prepayments can be made in person, via mail, online or through Chase banks, a new feature enacted this year. Payments are due Dec. 31.

DuPage County:

People can prepay in person, by mail or via their bank's online bill payment program. They can prepay up to 105 percent of their 2016 tax bill. For more information, visit Deadline is Dec. 29.

Kane County: Payments can be mailed or made in person and must be received by Dec. 29. People can pay up to 100 percent of their 2016 tax bill rounded down to the nearest $100. Payments should include a form available at

Lake County: People can prepay in person or via mail. The office doesn't accept credit cards, so people have to bring a check (please note your property PIN number), money order or cash. All payments must be received by Dec. 29. People can prepay up to 100 percent of their 2016 tax bill. For more information visit

McHenry County: People must fill out an advance tax agreement, available at the treasurer's office or at They must submit the form and prepayment either in person or via mail by Dec. 29. People can prepay up to 100 percent of their 2016 tax bill.

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